Your higher level brand info - including brand name, industry type and tagline, are required before you can preview your brand.

Brand name


Your tagline, or "positioning line" should be a succinct description reflecting your business & it's offering. Your tagline may be a single line of text or may be broken across up to 3 lines.

Note: Multiple line taglines may be merged into a single line on some designs if appropriate.

All brand settings

Your lower level brand info is not required in order to preview your brand. This information appears on many different documents and design variations.

After your brand is initially setup, all of the following brand settings will contain default values. We do this so that you receive a more accurate and instantaneous preview of your branded documentation and visual assets. You will be prompted to change these fields if you haven't already done so, prior to generating a document.

The following brand settings may be edited at any time:


Maximum character lengths